Thursday, 7 December 2017

A little bit of fun

Room 9 had a great morning helping out in room 3. We joined the new entrants class and some of us helped out by moving all the furniture and lots of boxes over to their new room. We used trolleys, we used our muscles and we used our brains to move the big stuff, the heavy stuff and the little easy stuff. While some of us were movers, the rest of us were the crew hanging out with choosing time and meeting new Bishopdale School kids. While we played we were talking and listening to each other, we were asking questions and answering questions. We were loved it! The best part was having a play all together on the playground before morning tea.
This is some of us hanging out in the old block before the renovations start soon. Yay!

Bishopdale School Yr6 Zion Hip Hop

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Rutherford's Den

Today we had Rutherford's Den come to school for a lesson on atoms, electricity, gravity and facts and information about Lord Rutherford. Some of the facts were, gravity was discovered by a man who was sitting under a tree had an apple fall on his head. He wondered why it fell so started investigating and experimenting. His name was Isaac Newton and he was knighted in 1705 and became Sir Isaac Newton.
We also found that Lord Rutherford was the fourth child and he had 11 brothers and sisters. He was knighted in the New Years list in 1914 and became Sir Ernest Rutherford. He then became a Lord in 1931 and was named Ernest Lord Rutherford of Nelson.

We had four tables set up in the hall.
The gravity table had different size and weights of balls dropping into a bowl of sand. The cricket ball and the golf ball made a bigger crater than the ping pong ball.
The electricity table we rubbed balloons on carpet and then on our hair to see static electricity. We also rubbed rulers and straws on the mat to conduct static electricity. We used the brain box to experiment with making the light bulb light.
The atom table we created an atom using clear pipe, pipe cleaners and a polystyrene ball. We got to take those home.
The other table was set up to read facts about Lord Rutherford and to do a crayon rubbing of the Nobel Medal.

We want to say a big 'Thank You' to Margot and Libby from Rutherford's Den at the Arts Centre for coming to Bishopdale.