Sunday, 6 August 2017

Life Education Visit - Day 1

Room 9 visited Harold on Friday before lunch. We talked about living about the line, living our values and living below the line, not respecting our values. We also talked about bucket filling, doing for others and bucket dippers, taking from others. Jamie showed us some very cool graphics and lighting in the Life Ed classroom and we saw Harold. We also learned a little more about keeping ourselves safe when we use online media. Some of the things we talked about were not making friends with people we haven't really met and also not sharing passwords, talking to our parents, caregivers or teachers about online bullying or comments we don't like. We're going for another visit on Monday afternoon.

Checking the news

The first week back we have been investigating newspapers and looking at advertisements. We noticed things like fonts, letter size, colours and size of the advertisement. Then we looked at what information needs to be in an advertisement. Some of us got distracted by reading some of the articles and learned how newspapers write in third person. So last week we created some advertising for the Readathon we are doing at the moment and we advertised some of the things we did or wanted to do in the school holidays. Some of us are also trying to write articles using third person. The best part of literacy for the last two weeks was sitting in the sunshine, reading the paper!

Hour of Code fun

In Room 9 we had some time on a Friday afternoon to use technology to play hour of code. We can find this on:
The different levels have different themes. There's the Moana one, Minecraft, Star Wars and Frozen. Coding helps to figure out left and right, up and down, forwards and backwards and the hard levels have different degrees. Working with a buddy helps to figure out how to move through the game and we learn from our friends how to go up levels.