Room 9 had a great morning helping out in room 3. We joined the new entrants class and some of us helped out by moving all the furniture and lots of boxes over to their new room. We used trolleys, we used our muscles and we used our brains to move the big stuff, the heavy stuff and the little easy stuff. While some of us were movers, the rest of us were the crew hanging out with choosing time and meeting new Bishopdale School kids. While we played we were talking and listening to each other, we were asking questions and answering questions. We were loved it! The best part was having a play all together on the playground before morning tea.
This is some of us hanging out in the old block before the renovations start soon. Yay!
Thursday, 7 December 2017
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Rutherford's Den
Today we had Rutherford's Den come to school for a lesson on atoms, electricity, gravity and facts and information about Lord Rutherford. Some of the facts were, gravity was discovered by a man who was sitting under a tree had an apple fall on his head. He wondered why it fell so started investigating and experimenting. His name was Isaac Newton and he was knighted in 1705 and became Sir Isaac Newton.
We also found that Lord Rutherford was the fourth child and he had 11 brothers and sisters. He was knighted in the New Years list in 1914 and became Sir Ernest Rutherford. He then became a Lord in 1931 and was named Ernest Lord Rutherford of Nelson.
We had four tables set up in the hall.
The gravity table had different size and weights of balls dropping into a bowl of sand. The cricket ball and the golf ball made a bigger crater than the ping pong ball.
The electricity table we rubbed balloons on carpet and then on our hair to see static electricity. We also rubbed rulers and straws on the mat to conduct static electricity. We used the brain box to experiment with making the light bulb light.
The atom table we created an atom using clear pipe, pipe cleaners and a polystyrene ball. We got to take those home.
The other table was set up to read facts about Lord Rutherford and to do a crayon rubbing of the Nobel Medal.
We want to say a big 'Thank You' to Margot and Libby from Rutherford's Den at the Arts Centre for coming to Bishopdale.
We also found that Lord Rutherford was the fourth child and he had 11 brothers and sisters. He was knighted in the New Years list in 1914 and became Sir Ernest Rutherford. He then became a Lord in 1931 and was named Ernest Lord Rutherford of Nelson.
We had four tables set up in the hall.
The gravity table had different size and weights of balls dropping into a bowl of sand. The cricket ball and the golf ball made a bigger crater than the ping pong ball.
The electricity table we rubbed balloons on carpet and then on our hair to see static electricity. We also rubbed rulers and straws on the mat to conduct static electricity. We used the brain box to experiment with making the light bulb light.
The atom table we created an atom using clear pipe, pipe cleaners and a polystyrene ball. We got to take those home.
The other table was set up to read facts about Lord Rutherford and to do a crayon rubbing of the Nobel Medal.
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Softball Afternoons
We have been learning how to catch using a mitt. We can catch a 'fly-ball' and a ball along the ground using our gloves like an alligator mouth. Having three quarters of an hour out in the sunshine and fresh air feels great and we are having heaps of fun!
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Yesterday Korbyn , Lachy and Taorai set up a CRIME SCENE for two girls to solve. There were 5 clues for the girls to solve. They had to do little experiments with a beaker, meths and had to boil some red cabbage. They had to do lots more experiments!!!
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Korbyn made a Hot Air Balloon
Over the past week Korbyn has been learning about the concept of convection.
He made a Hot Air Balloon to demonstrate this idea.
Korbyn used tissue paper, wire and cotton wool to make the balloon.
It flew up and over the fence on Monday morning.
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
STEM Volcano
On Friday for STEM we dug a hole in the sandpit today so we could bury a bucket to make a volcano. Tiffany used her hand and arm so we could pack the sand tightly around her arm to make a funnel. Then she carefully took her arm away and we poured some baking soda into the hole. Next we tipped quarter of the bottle of white vinegar on top of the baking soda. We noticed it starting to bubble and fizz and foam over the top. It didn’t last very long so we let the sand absorb the liquid. We then added a full jar of baking soda into the hole and gently poured the rest of the bottle of white vinegar into the hole. The reaction was much bigger and heaps of foam and bubbles came out the top.
Then we had a fun in the sandpit experimenting and chatting.
Friday, 20 October 2017
Science Experiments in Room 10
On Thursday Jess brought in two bottles of Diet Coke and some mint Mentos. First we had to write in our books and predict what was going to happen. When Jess dropped the Mentos into the Diet Coke it reacted with the coke and caused it to explode. We talked about how we could make changes to improve the experiment. Our next step is to look into the science behind this and explain why this reaction occurs.
Pondering Probability
In Room 10 we have started looking into the probability of something happening. Here is a video of us playing paper, scissors, rock. We then graphed our results and made a probability statement about our partner's throws.
Swimming Day One
Some very excited Room 9 children left school and headed to Kings Swim School for their first swimming lesson. Kings staff grouped the children into 3 groups based on their confidence and ability in the water. We are really excited about going swimming for the next four weeks on Thursday and Friday afternoons.
Friday, 29 September 2017
Narrative Hub
Two weeks ago we started writing narratives. We had to write a mix of imaginary with a some facts, story. In the middle of writing these stories we had our fantastic trip to Orana Wildlife Park. The next week we spent writing time busy writing some thank you letters. Then we had another go at our narratives with some editing, reading, and adding details this was our next step this week.
Today we managed to get on devices to publish. Yay! (Our classroom was really, really quiet!)
We hope you like reading some of our narratives.
Today we managed to get on devices to publish. Yay! (Our classroom was really, really quiet!)
We hope you like reading some of our narratives.
The Magical Picture
The boy is wearing the orange shirt and he went into the art gallery he is pointing to the elephant. The elephant is coming out of the paintings the elephant is going into the street and going to eat the fruit and play with the ball. Then the elephant went to the pool and he played.
Written by: Miss T a new English author
Adventure Story
Adventure story
I looked out the window of the plane. We had just set off from France, and we were moving towards Rome. I fell asleep. Two hours passed while I was asleep. I slept all the way past Rome! But I faintly saw Italy so that was ok. I’m not going to sleep again EVER. I stared at
Delia. Is there ANYTHING else to do? I don’t know. I stared out the window. I saw the Mediterranean sea, and the rocky beaches of Greece. It was a bit strange on the plane. Two more hours passed, and we were going to land in Greece for the night. Then we would head off into Saudi Arabia. We were going to New Zealand to pick up Dorian, our slightly annoying cousin.
We arrived at Greece. We were going to go stay with Uncle Jordein for the night. He drove us toward his hotel “I wish I could speak Greek.” Kay moaned “Nobody cares. You already speak French, Spanish, Maori, and English” Delia said. Kay loved to annoy people. It was like his hobby.
It was the day we were going to Saudi Arabia. I packed my stuff quickly and got dressed, since I wake up at the crack of dawn. “You’re up early.” mumbled Kay. He wasn’t impressed. As they got ready, she was eating breakfast. Then soon, they set off. They drove towards the airport. They arrived, and her and Delia immediately jumped out of the car “Goodbye girls.” Smiled Uncle Jordan. Delia and I ran towards the airport. As we got inside, me and Delia wandered through the airport to our plane.
About halfway throughout the flight I got pretty bored of the tablet stuck to the chair in front of me. I looked out the plane window. All I saw was the ocean. It was pretty boring anyway.
Soon, we arrived at Saudi Arabia. Today we were going to Singapore. Then New Zealand.
Boarding the plane was always strange. When I sat down, there was a notice saying to buckle
your seatbelt.
On the plane to Singapore, they were offering food. I was thinking about the person who was taking care of us. It was Aunt Jaune, I don’t know how she is related to us though.
At Singapore she was waiting. She had our tickets. I got them as we prepared for the flight to New Zealand. We got on the plane.
I gazed out, contently, until I saw something. That’s strange. Hmm… it’s moving… away? Then
I realised everyone was looking at it. What is it? I wonder… everyone looked away. Three more hours… Three hours had passed, and we had arrived at our destination.
“Kia ora, welcome to New Zealand!” The speaker boomed.
“They speak marry here.”
“Whatever.” I muttered. Delia and I are French, but she can speak Maori. How?
Dorian, our cousin was waiting. “Hi. I waited so long.” He said.
“Hi” said Delia. We walked through the airport. We were going to the next plane to Russia.
I walked with Dorian and Delia through the airport. “Please can passengers on the plane to Russia go to stairs 2? Thank you.”
I sat down. An Air New Zealand ad was playing. I looked around. Seagulls in the distance.... And that thing.
The thing disappeared.
As we arrived, I saw a lot of Russia. “Please make sure your seat belt is tightened” The speaker blasted. The plane tipped as it got ready to land. It glided toward toward the ground.
The plane shook and rumbled at the impact. “Russia is so big!” Dorian exclaimed. “Well what else did you expect?” I snapped. We walked through the airport, Where mum and dad were waiting.
“Enjoy your trip?”
Written by Y4 Miss A - Amazing Author Extraordinaire
Foraging in the Forest
The Sun was shining through the holes of my hut I was so tired from yesterday because I spent all day hunting. Every time I go hunting I get this strange feeling like someone is watching me but I don’t really take any notice of it. I got ready and grabbed my lucky bow. A year ago I had used this bow to save my dad from a fire. He sadly passed away two months after the incident. A few months later my mum got attacked by a bear and died as well. I went hunting for a day but this time I was very unlucky. A very vicious bear destroyed my bow with its claws I had to kill it with a arrow. I quickly ran back to my shelter and without noticing the bear scratched me on the chest I grabbed a cloth a quickly cleaned it the blood stopped coming out I wrapped the cloth around my chest so I didn’t have to hold it. I was mad because this was gonna interfere with the adventure I was planning but it didn’t stop me. Since my bow broke I made a couple of spears to defend myself on the journey. After making them I got ready and went out to see what this forest actually holds.
Written by Mr L in room 9.
Written by Mr L in room 9.
Miss T's Treasure Island
One windy day there were four people on an island. They saw the rainbow at the end of sky. They sat on the sands by the sea and read their books because they needed to know how to make a house using wood and nails and something to make the little house. A place to sleep, cook and do anything they wanted to do. One lady saw one blue boat. It had four life jackets in the blue boat so they could go somewhere to play. They saw the black bag behind the coconut tree. One man was not scared so the man went to see what was in the black bag. There were four bags. He opened one bag and it was full of gold!! The man opened the second and third bags. There were many things in the bag to make the little house. He opened the last one. It had lots of food! They made the house in the tree so they could stay in the tree. They found rope on the sea so they climbed up to the house in the tree. When they were old they went in the blue boat. They sat in the blue boat. Before they went they took the gold and food from the black bag and they took some coconut to drink the coconut water! They went to another island to see what happened at another island!
Written by: Miss T
Our fabulous ten year old bi-cultural speedy learner of English
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Room 10 - Technology Challenge Afternoon
On Wednesday afternoon the whole school took part in a Technology Building Challenge. We worked with Lou's class in teams. Our challenge was to build the highest structure out of straws and sellotape, it also had to hold a marshmallow on top. It was great to see everyone showing our CARE values. Pictured is the winning structure built by Melva, Leigh and Acacia.
Friday, 8 September 2017
STEAM Coding session
Students from room 7, room 8, room 9 and room 12 have been learning to use online coding games to problem solve, persevere, learn left/right, forwards/backwards and up/down commands to complete levels on coding games.
We accessed online coding games from: or some students managed to work through some levels on: students found the commands difficult to work out and more experienced students helped them through the process, tuakana teina which is an integral part of traditional Māori society, provides a model for buddy systems. An older or more expert tuakana (brother, sister or cousin) helps and guides a younger or less expert teina (originally a younger sibling or cousin of the same gender).
We accessed online coding games from: or some students managed to work through some levels on: students found the commands difficult to work out and more experienced students helped them through the process, tuakana teina which is an integral part of traditional Māori society, provides a model for buddy systems. An older or more expert tuakana (brother, sister or cousin) helps and guides a younger or less expert teina (originally a younger sibling or cousin of the same gender).
Sunday, 6 August 2017
Life Education Visit - Day 1
Room 9 visited Harold on Friday before lunch. We talked about living about the line, living our values and living below the line, not respecting our values. We also talked about bucket filling, doing for others and bucket dippers, taking from others. Jamie showed us some very cool graphics and lighting in the Life Ed classroom and we saw Harold. We also learned a little more about keeping ourselves safe when we use online media. Some of the things we talked about were not making friends with people we haven't really met and also not sharing passwords, talking to our parents, caregivers or teachers about online bullying or comments we don't like. We're going for another visit on Monday afternoon.
Checking the news
The first week back we have been investigating newspapers and looking at advertisements. We noticed things like fonts, letter size, colours and size of the advertisement. Then we looked at what information needs to be in an advertisement. Some of us got distracted by reading some of the articles and learned how newspapers write in third person. So last week we created some advertising for the Readathon we are doing at the moment and we advertised some of the things we did or wanted to do in the school holidays. Some of us are also trying to write articles using third person. The best part of literacy for the last two weeks was sitting in the sunshine, reading the paper!
Hour of Code fun
In Room 9 we had some time on a Friday afternoon to use technology to play hour of code. We can find this on:
The different levels have different themes. There's the Moana one, Minecraft, Star Wars and Frozen. Coding helps to figure out left and right, up and down, forwards and backwards and the hard levels have different degrees. Working with a buddy helps to figure out how to move through the game and we learn from our friends how to go up levels.
Friday, 2 June 2017
We are learning to make iMovies (some of our facts might be a little unfactual!)
Please excuse the big loud noise at the start. We were all a bit excited.
Year 5 STEAM - Scooter Parking
For the last two weeks the year 5 students have been learning to hammer and nail safely while making something useful. We used three pieces of wood that were cut for us and we had to hammer the wood so it makes a U shape for the scooters to sit in. After we finished building them, we used some dye to colour them.
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Northwest zone cross country
A group of Year 5/6 students went off to represent Bishopdale at the Northwest Zone Cross Country. We had some great results with Shakaia Clemens coming 17th and Ruby Geoghegan coming 25th. This kids all represented Bishopdale with pride and had great attitudes.
Monday, 22 May 2017
R9 & R12 Styx Mill Reserve Trip

We saw lots of plants and we saw a Kahikatea tree. It can live for more than 1000 years and it can grow to about 60 metres tall. It is the tallest New Zealand native report. On the walk we saw some pukeko, fantails, sheep and we even saw a hare. Then we stopped and looked at the water birds. We saw ducks, Canadian geese, paradise ducks, black swans, Australian coot and some scaup.
After that we went and met Celia and we learned how to scoop bugs out of the lake. Some students found water boatman, backswimmers, damselfly nymph, dragonfly nymph, small fish. We also caught some worms, a leech, water snails, and some larvae. The best thing on our trips was getting outside looking and experiencing nature.
Thursday, 18 May 2017
Winter sport
The Year 5/6's had a great start to Winter Sport. The Netball A team won 11-10 against Thorrington and the player of the day was shared by Leigh and Nerelle for their fantastic defence.
Unfortunately the Netball B team had a bye, but are rearing to go for next week!
The football team won 7-1 and the player of the day was Grayson.

Unfortunately the Netball B team had a bye, but are rearing to go for next week!
The football team won 7-1 and the player of the day was Grayson.
Friday, 5 May 2017
Year 6 Term 2 Week 1 STEAM
Today we started making our scooter parks with some wood and nails. Something we learned today was to watching the end of the nail when we hammer or you end up hitting your finger or hand with the hammer.
Monday, 10 April 2017
Casebrook Intermediate Sports visit
We had a small group of Year 7 students leading some fun soccer skills with the senior group on Friday 31March. The senior students had a great time and we are looking forward to them returning for another session.
Year 6 Camp Day Three
Day 3 on the way back from camp we stopped at the Hanmer Springs pools and also went in the hot pool. This a photo of a group of people in the lazy river. |
This is a group photo of all the Year 6's at the swimming pool. Thumbs up.
By Caleb
Year 6 Camp Day One
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
Girls Group Escapees
The girls group went to the Escape Rooms today.
We had to solve all sorts of puzzles
escape from the
prison and the scary cabin
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Topic Afternoons
Group topic work happening with some great reflections on what we have completed, what we now need to get done and how are we going to complete our project.
Thursday, 9 March 2017
Saturday, 25 February 2017
Year 4 STEAM
Today the Year 4 STEAM TEAM made scooter holders with Maree.
Well done guys.!!!
Great to see you working safely and helping each other.
Pic Collage by Kalolaine
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
Senior Cultural Group
On Friday February 10 we performed at the Christchurch Children's Team's first birthday celebrations. We were a big hit! Well done to all the children who took part, they did so well sitting still and quiet for at least 30 minutes!
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